Testing and Debugging, Introduction to Programming Assignment Help

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Testing and Debugging

 The computer programs will be subject to errors. These errors are known as bugs and the process of detecting and correcting these errors is called debugging.

Testing is the process of making sure that the program performs the intended task, and debugging is the process of locating and eliminating program errors.






Testing is the process in which a program is validated.

Debugging is a process in which program errors are removed.



Testing is complete when all desired verifications in terms of the specifications have been performed.

Debugging is a process that ends only temporarily, because subsequent execution of a program may uncover other errors- thereby restarting the debugging process.


Testing can and should be planned. It is a definable task in which the how and what to test can be specified. Testing can be scheduled to take place at a specific time in the development cycle.

Debugging is a reactive procedure that stems from testing. It cannot be planned ahead of time. The best that can be done is to establish guidelines of how to debug and develop a list of "What to look for". Debugging, on the other hand cannot begin until the end of the development cycle, because it requires an executable program.


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