Organization goals should supersede individual goals

Organization goals should supersede individual goals

Organizational goals and individual goals go hand on hand. An organization is made up of many individuals who are having similar objectives to achieve. They can have different personal goals. But, when they are working for the organization, their thinking should be aligned and they should always try to achieve the organizational objectives. This achievement will help them to ultimately achieve their individual goals. So, we can see that organizational goals and individual goals are much related to each other.

Individual goals vary from person to person. It is being stated as the outcome statements that an individual is trying to achieve. But, it should be related to objectives which are very specific, time-based and definitely measurable to support the achievement of the pre-defined goals. These should be SMART in nature, i.e., Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. The goal defined by an individual should be very specific in nature. It should be measured in terms of numerical figures and the targets set in the goals should be achievable and practical in nature, otherwise the goals do not have any value if it is impossible to achieve. And lastly, the defined goals should be measured in a time-bound manner, i.e. an individual who needs to achieve a target should try to do it in defined timeline.

All the features discussed above are applicable for organizational goals also. For organizations, the goals and the objectives are set in a more planned manner than individuals in all practical cases. The SMART principle discussed above should always be followed to define the organizational goals so that the organizations can achieve the pillar of success.

In today's competitive scenario, all the organizations are trying to design a framework which will help the individuals to correlate their individual goals with the organizational goals. From the point of recruiting a candidate, the organization likes to know about the individual's goals and objectives. Also, after joining, the organization with the help of the Human Resource department states the KRAs of the employees. This process helps both the organizations and the individuals to draw a line of parity between the individual and organizational goals. The organizations can set targets based upon individual's goals and by discussing with them. So, ultimately it will be helpful for the organizations and the individuals to achieve something realistic.

If the individuals think that they will be coming to the organization to achieve their individual goals only, then it will make them unsuccessful. In today's age of stiff competition, it is impossible to achieve anything in organizations without teamwork. And teamwork means individual always need to correlate the individual and the organizational goals. So, sometimes the individual needs to sacrifice their individual goals and try to achieve the organizational goals. This will help them to ultimately achieve their individual goals. If the organization achieves its goals, then different individuals who are a part of the organization will surely achieve their individual goals.

So, in nutshell it can be concluded that, individuals should not always think for their personal goals. They sometimes need to sacrifice their individual goals for the time being, which will ultimately help them to achieve their individual goals in the long run.

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